Name: Tabitha Savage
Position: Math Specialist
District: Putnam County School System
City: Cookeville, TN
Tabitha Savage has 11 years of service to Putnam County Schools. She began as a general education elementary teacher. She current serves as the Math Specialist for the district, serving all K-8 schools. She led the transition and transformation of her district’s benchmark and classroom assessment practice. “With Naiku, we have successfully transitioned our Grade 2-8 benchmark assessments on-line. Teachers and student receive results quickly. Parents are then notified of their students’ progress. Our teachers are now creating and administering every day classroom assessments in Naiku. They particularly love the student engagement features.” Ms. Savage was the 2011 Prescott South Elementary School Teacher of the Year.
To learn more about how Savage and her colleagues use Naiku for benchmark and everyday classroom assessments, download this Naiku Case Study.