Category: We are Naiku
We Are Naiku: Enlarged School District of Middletown
Read MoreThe Enlarged City School District of Middletown is a public school district located in Middletown, NY that serves approximately 7,400 students. Download this case study to learn how the Enlarged City School District of Middletown chose Naiku to help them implement a district-wide benchmark assessment solution. Case Study – Middletown.
We Are Naiku: Clear Lake Middle School
Read MoreClear Lake Middle School serves Grades 6-8 students in Clear Lake, IA. The school of 300 students implements a 1:1 iPad program. Students love how easy it is to use the iPad in their everyday schoolwork. When it came to adopting an online assessment platform for his teachers, Principal Steve Kwikkel did not forget his […]
We are Naiku: Thomas County Schools
Read MoreThomas County Schools serves over 5,800 students across six schools in southern Georgia. As part of a strategic plan to invest in technology for their students and teachers, the district chose Naiku to create, administer, and score their district assessments. Download this case study to learn how Thomas County Schools used Naiku and the SAMR […]
We Are Naiku: Putnam County Schools
Read MorePutnam County School System serves over 11,000 students across 18 schools in northern Tennessee. To measure and improve student achievement, the district develops and administers district-wide benchmark assessments in ELA and Mathematics across grades 2 – 8. For the past two years, the district has used Naiku to deliver and score their district benchmark assessments. Their teachers have now started to use Naiku for everyday classroom assessment. This case study provides a look at their successful path to better assessments and better achievement.
We Are Naiku: Marion County Public Schools
Read MoreMarion County Public Schools serves over 3,300 students across eight schools in central Kentucky. To meet their high standards, the district created Professional Learning Communities and needed an online testing format to to provide quick results and insights their PLCs. Download this case study to learn how Marion County Public Schools chose Naiku to help […]
We Are Naiku: Blessed Trinity Catholic High School
Read MoreBlessed Trinity Catholic High School, part of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta, is a 2014 National Blue Ribbon School. In 2015 the school implemented a 1:1 Chromebook program. With the school-wide rollout of the new technology, the school leadership team desired to find an online assessment platform for its teachers and students.
We Are Naiku: KUSD
Read MoreKenosha Unified School District (KUSD) is a large district serving over 22,000 students in Kenosha and the surrounding areas. The 3rd largest district in Wisconsin, KUSD has a mission to provide excellent, challenging learning opportunities and experiences that prepare each student for success. With a vision to be Wisconsin’s top performing urban school district, the district and building leadership team have fostered and nurtured vibrant Professional Learning Communities (PLC) across the district.
We Are Naiku: ISD196
Read MoreIndependent School District (196), also known as Rosemount – Apple Valley – Eagan Public Schools, is a large district serving a 110 square mile area in the south Twin Cities metropolitan area. Since January 2014, the district has effectively implemented common formative assessments at the secondary schools.
We Are Naiku: West Gate Elementary School
Read MoreWest Gate Elementary School serves K-5 students in Manassas, VA. The school of 600 students has a high Limited English Proficiency (70%) and Economically Disadvantaged (92%) population. In 2012, the school found itself on the list of “failing” schools with only 66% and 50% of its students passing the VA SOL Reading and Math assessments, respectively.
We Are Naiku: Broken Arrow Elementary School
Read MoreBroken Arrow Elementary School serves K-6 students in Shawnee, KS. The school of 440 students rolled out a 1:1 iPad program for all students in 2014-2015. To complement the iPad program and to a foster an effective PLC practice, Principal Mike Brewer wanted an assessment platform that would allow his teachers to efficiently and frequently develop and administer common formative assessments (CFAs) to gather meaningful data for the PLC meetings.