Category: I am Naiku
I am Naiku: Katharine Mulfinger
Read MoreMy Name: Katharine Mulfinger Where I Teach: Bettendorf High School, Bettendorf, IA What I Teach: Teacher Librarian How Long I’ve Taught: This is my first year as teacher librarian. For the last six years, I taught 8th grade language arts. What I do as Teacher Librarian: Along with selecting materials for the library and promoting library services, […]
I am Naiku: Jacqueline Leiker
Read MoreName: Jacqueline Leiker Where I Teach: Norway High School, Norway, MI How Long I’ve Taught: I have taught for twenty-two years. Within those years I have taught numerous courses including mathematics, computer technology, computer programming and business. I currently teach technology and digital citizenship to students who range from seniors at Norway High School all […]
I am Naiku: Tabitha Savage
Read MoreTabitha Savage has 11 years of service to Putnam County Schools. She began as a general education elementary teacher. She current serves as the Math Specialist for the district, serving all K-8 schools. She led the transition and transformation of her district’s benchmark and classroom assessment practice. “With Naiku, we have successfully transitioned our Grade 2-8 benchmark assessments on-line. Teachers and student receive results quickly.
I am Naiku: Lindsay Thompson
Read More“I am Naiku” profile of digital learning specialist Lindsay Thompson from Thomas County Central High School.
I am Naiku: Sara Ames
Read MoreSara Ames, Grade 7 Science Teacher at Mahone Middle School in Kenosha, WI, uses Naiku for summative and formative assessments. See how Naiku has impacted her teacher and her students’ learning.
I Am Naiku: Fr. Augustine Tran
Read MoreFr. Augustine Tran, Theology Teacher at Blessed Trinity High School in Roswell GA started teaching in 2004. He enjoys working with high school students, sharing his knowledge, and seeing “light-bulb”s of off in their heads as they start to understand material. Fr. Tran uses Naiku exclusively for his assessments which contain multiple-choice, essay, short-answer constructed response, and matching items. His assessment practice has changed since he started using Naiku. “I think I give more short daily assessments to make sure the students are staying on top of the material instead of waiting until the test to cram. It only takes a few minutes to make a short assessment in Naiku and have it read for students to take,” said Fr. Tran.
I am Naiku: Daniel Roethe
Read MoreDaniel Roethe, Instructional Technology Teacher (ITT) at Mahone Middle School at Kenosha Unified School District started teaching in 2002. He has taught Social Studies and English Language Arts. Roethe has been an ITT for the past three years. In his current role, he introduces new technologies to teachers and supports their use of the new technology to improve teacher instruction and student learning. Roethe has been instrumental in the use of Naiku for common formative and summative assessments at Mahone Middle School.
I am Naiku: Travis Cerling
Read MoreTravis Cerling started teaching high school science in 1997. He switched to middle school science in 2000. For the past three and a half years, Cerling has been the middle school science coach for the district. “As a science coach, I find new tools, new ways to teach, and share those ideas and tools with the team. I also teach two sciences courses,” shared Cerling. “It really is the best of both worlds. I work with teachers, and still get to be in the classroom with students.” Working with fellow science coach Shannon Lee and the science teachers across the district, Cerling has been instrumental in the effective implementation of common formative assessments at the district’s six middle schools.
I am Naiku: Emily Hill
Read MoreEmily Hill is a licensed 6-12 Language Arts teacher. She started her teaching career at a high school before switching to 8th grade language arts. After 11 years in the classroom, Hill now serves as the Technology Integration Coach in both the middle school and high school in Clear Lake. Throughout her teaching career, Hill teamed up with other teachers to create meaningful assignments and projects for students.
I am Naiku: Patrick Heath
Read MorePatrick Heath currently serves as the Instructional Technology Coach (ITC) at Westgate Elementary School. Previously, he taught 4th and 5th grades for six years. In his role as the ITC, Heath provides and helps teachers integrate educational technology tools into their instruction.