Naiku Blog: News, White Papers, and Case Studies
Student Reflection and Confidence
Read MoreDiscover how confident students are about their understanding and let them engage by reflecting on their incorrect answers.
Sharing and Collaboration
Read MoreCollaboration is fundamental. Teachers can share assessments with other teachers at their school, district, or the Naiku world if they wish, making it easy to deliver common assessments.
Quick Question Student Response
Read MoreAdd instant student response with our free-for-teachers virtual clicker.
Balanced assessment isn’t sexy
Read MoreIn the era of 1:1, assessment is the often overlooked stepchild Growth of 1:1 The renewed wave of interest and implementation of 1:1 projects in schools recently has been obvious – all over schools are evaluating iPads and other tablets, netbooks, and, given the continued price point decline, laptops. BYOD, once a quickly dismissed subject […]
Naiku – The Missing Piece of the Puzzle
Read MoreThis is a special guest article from one of our Naiku Star teachers. Len Beard is mathematics teacher at Scott Highlands Middle School in Apple Valley, Minnesota. NAIKU- The Missing Piece of the Puzzle I’ve been ‘flipping’ my classroom for nearly a decade. I pre-test and post-test each chapter and use the pretests as a […]
Why do we still have computer “labs?”
Read MoreLately I have been wondering why the “computer lab” is still so prevalent, and I wonder how long these groups of computers (in what could be used as classroom space) are going to last. Is it the beginning of the end for the computer lab? I did a little research on how the computer lab started, […]
Popular Posts
Data Driven Instruction with Naiku
Premier educators such as Dr. Paul Bambrick-Santoyo (Driven By Data 2.0: A Practical Guide to Improve Instruction) and Dr. John Hattie (Visible Learning) promote the use of data in enhancing instruction and student learning. In this linked white paper, Dr. Adisack Nhouyvanisvong discusses these techniques and showcases how to implement them using Naiku.
Use ACT Quick Checks for Progress Monitoring
Naiku provides over 50 ACT Quick Checks for teachers to use for student progress monitoring in all ACT test subjects. ACT Quick Checks are short, topic-focused, formative assessments; typically 6-12 questions in length. Each Quick Check contains questions from a single topic, such as Math-Functions, so teachers can use to easily monitor progress between benchmark […]